Monday, May 19, 2014

22 and 2 months

Hi y'all! 

Welp, I'm officially 22 and as of today I have officially been gone for 2 months! It's crazy because the first month felt like a YEAR but the 2 month felt like a week! Time is really starting to fly by and I am loving being a missionary more and more every day.

Saturday was my birthday, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your wishes and love! I had the best birthday and it was so fun to open some packages from home! My companion Sister Smith is amazing! She went out of her way to make me feel special. She decorated our apartment with streamers and balloons while I was sleeping and even recorded herself singing happy birthday for our alarm in the morning! It was so sweet ha and she made me pancakes for breakfast :) We made a cake and took it over to a less active families home and they sang happy birthday and ate it with us and then we were able to have an awesome lesson with their 15 year old daughter who isn't a member. We spent the afternoon knocking and then went out to eat with a super nice couple in the ward who took us to the best restaurant. I finally tried some shrimp and grits and it was delicious! and then they also bought me a cute little cake and we took it over to another members house to eat it ha naturally my birthday was filled with lots of food and cake and of course before the night ended we stopped at this really yummy ice cream place for ice cream. It was funny too because the Elders all showed up there at the same time as us haha 

But even besides my amazing birthday it was a really good week! I have really felt the Lord's hand in my life this week as I have tried to be more consecrated and submit my will to Him. Yesterday I got to speak in church for the first time. I was asked to speak on Alama 5 and having a Mighty Change of Heart. I invite all of you to go read that chapter and focus on that change of heart. It was such a good learning experience for me. In order to have a change of heart we first need to be humble, trust in the Living God, and remain faithful unil the end. I love that reallly all three of those go together. I have been learning so much about each of those attributes and striving to develop. One of the first big lessons I learned beginning in the MTC was that the opposite of faith is fear and that fear blocks having trust in Heavenly Father. In D&C 63 it say's that their prayers were not answered because they had fear in their hearts and didn't trust God. As I have put all my trust in Heavenly Father to protect and watch over my family and trust Him to change me, I've been so much happier. I have felt so much more peace and also been able to feel more joy. 
Our purpose in this life is to progress and become more like our Father in Heaven. And the only way to do that is through Him. He has given us everything we have, our bodies, our families, our temporal blessings.. if we give those back we're simply returning something. There for the only thing that is truly ours that we can give Him is our agency or our will. Having a change of heart requires us to turn our will over to Him by being humble, trusting and faithful. :) I hope that makes sense. 

Also, I would just like to share a quick testimony of the Book of Mormon. This week Sister Smith and I tried to really focus on using it in every teaching opportunity we had. In preach my gospel it says Tte Book of Mormon combined with the spirit is the most powerful resource in conversion. It really is! As I have spent time every day studying it and learning more about it it has strengthened me so much. When we open it up and share from it while teaching it lets us get out of the way of the spirit and gives the investigator and direct line to learning from Heavenly Father. We had more lessons than ever before and taught with so much more unity when we turned everything back to it. I know that the Book of Mormon truly is another testament of Jesus Christ and is the solid evidence that Christ's one true church has been restored to the earth again. 

I hope y'all have a great week and know how much I love and miss each of you!! 
Ps. Sister Smith has a blog too and it check it out!


Sister Hendrix 

stay sweet! :) 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hi! I hope y'all had a great Mother's Day!! 

It was so good to talk to my family and see all y'alls faces! I think I cried more than any of you and I bawled for a couple minutes after we hung up but it was okay ha Brother Isaksen brought me some tissues and was super sweet. It was so great and comforting to be in a members home. Sister Smith and I had the opportunity to come stay the night with some members actually. Brother and Sister Isaksen, Brother Isaksen is the Stake Patriarch and Sister Isaksen is in the Stake Primary Presidency. They are the sweetest! They have a beautiful home right on a lake and it has been so fun to be here with them. One of their daughters and her family have been here as well. Spending the day with a family and in a loving home is just what we needed! I am so grateful for my family and I truly love and miss y'all more than you know. I just think about when I get home and how I'll never want to leave your sight again! But seeing and talking with you gave me so much comfort and strength and made me want to serve and be the best missionary I can be. I know that this time will go by so fast and it's such a privilege to dedicate every single day to the Lord for 18 months. I will never have this opportunity again and I want to use it the best I can. I feel like a lot of questions I had in my life prior to my mission are being answered now and I never would have gotten the answers had I not followed what the Lord wanted me to do and served a mission. 

Laura informed me that my blog is a little boring because it's just my letters haha and I am sorry! I am going to try to start putting some more exciting things on here. Today we went to this awesome little historic town called Abbiville! South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union and it all started in Abbiville and then they also signed the papers to end the war there too! After we came back to the house and baked some chocolate cookies in true southern style! Aka lots of chocolate and butter and sugar haha and you will be proud to know that I didn't use a recipe! It was painful. But I'm learning how to not always have to have a plan and be in control... haha but I do have the recipe for those of you who are interested :) We're going to come back another day and make rolls so stay tuned for that! 

I'm about out of time so I just want y'all to know that I love you and miss you! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Heavenly Father also loves you and I promise is aware of you individually and He's waiting to bless and answer your needs. We just have to ask :) Soooo basically don't forget to read and pray every day! (does that rhyme? :) ) 

Ps. I'd love to hear more about how you saw the Lord's hand in your life this

Stay Sweet!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Strawberry Picking

Hello everyone! 

I hope y'all are having a great Monday! I apologize that I'm emailing a couple hours later than I normally do. This morning we decided to go do something besides just stay at the apartment on P-day and do the usually things. So we went and picked strawberries!! There's a place here called the Hardy Berry Farm! Which is funny because it sounds like it should actually be in Logandale... haha but its a super cute little place. You can go and just pick all the strawberries you want and they're a little cheaper than the ones in the store too! I picked like 2.5 lbs and I'm going to freeze them and put them in smoothies :) I make a smoothie for breakfast almost every day ha. 

Other wise it has been a good week. I've seen the Lord's hand working in my life and the lives of our investigators. Unfortunately a few road blocks have come up and Mike and Daniel will no longer be being baptized this coming Saturday :( :( :( but they are still pressing forward! Which is so awesome. It's so true that when you are trying to do what's right the adversary will do whatever he can to stop you! But in Ether ch. 12 it says that the Lord reveals Himself to us only after the trial of our faith. I know that is so true! 

This evening we are going to dinner at the house of one of my favorite families in the ward who are working hard to be active again. And we are bringing one of our investigators, whose just 17 years old, with us! She's really great and I am excited for her to be fellow shipped with this family. 

This email is just short and sweet but I hope in some way it will help to strengthen your testimony in our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that it's only through him and the enabling power of the Atonement that we can progress through this life. I am so grateful for it and the miracles I see every day because of it. A little miracle we had the other day was we saw a nice lady our working in her flower garden, we went up and talked with her for a few minutes and we didn't get the feeling that she was very receptive but she was still so sweet! We offered to come back and help her with her yard anytime and just before we were leaving, even though we were standing in the middle of her yard, I had the feeling to ask if we could say a prayer with her. She got so excited and said yes but please come inside and pray with my daughter! We went inside and her daughter was in a recliner and sleeping. The lady explained that she had cancer and it was very evident :( I was so grateful for the impression I recieved from the spirit and the opportunity I had to say a prayer for her and her mother and the rest of their family. 
God works in small and simple ways through other people. I know that if we pay attention and they can have those little miracles all the time :)

What are some ways you have seen the Lord's hand in your life? I would love it if you paid attention to that this coming week and then email me about it next week!! :) 

I love y'all so much and hope you have a great week! And Happy Mother's Day coming up!!


Sister Hendrix 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Kicked a Plant

Hey everyone! 

This week is going to be a little shorter haha sorry sometimes I type novels. But it has been a good week! I couldn't believe how fast it flew by. My companion and I made personal and companionship goals to just try to be really focused and exactly obedient with the use of our time and everything. I feel like we were really blessed and saw the Lord's hand in the work in response to our efforts. We were able to hit almost all of our goals and even exceed a couple! 
We continued working with Mike and he is progressing so well! He loved coming to church last week and the next time we went to visit him he had cut his hair and shaved! Not only is his physical appearance changing but I can really see the light of Christ coming out in him too. It's so awesome! Like I've always hear stories about missionaries teaching people like this but it really does happen! Ha and the neatest part is now we're also teaching his 14 year old brother and he has committed to be baptized with Mike on May 10th! We are taught as missionaries to be early, often and bold with our invitations to people to be baptized. I always thought it sounded like the craziest thing to ask someone in the first lesson to be baptized but I've really been trying to trust the Lord and be more early often and bold and I'm seeing the miracles it brings! Last night we were finally able to visit with the family I had emailed about a couple weeks ago who are living in a tiny trailer with their friend Daryl. And we had a great lesson with them and I invited them to be baptized and they accepted! So including Mike and his brother we now have 4 people on date to be baptized!! Miracles are real and prayers are answered! Thank you for your support and prayers, I promise that they are being felt and answered by the Lord and that through our faith He is leading us to those who are prepared to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
Another super awesome thing that happened was we had 6 investigators come to church yesterday!!  Seriously I think that's a new record or something! We invite and pretty much beg people to come to church every Sunday and it is really hard to get them there. Last week, Mike was the first person we have had come and then this week we had all 6 of our main investigators there! It was like the happiest day haha. The number one indicator leading to baptism is sacrament attendance. So you can imagine how exciting it is that we had awesome investigators come! I'm really excited to follow up with them this week and see how they liked it. 
Okay and now I'll tell a funny thing that happened this week. I haven't changed and I still do really dumb stuff all the time like this... It's like 8:30 at night and we go knock on the door of a lady who said we could come back another time. So she opens the door and already doesn't come off as receptive as she was the first time and just after I shake her hand I feel something on the back of my leg. Natrually I thought it was a bug and freaked out and kicked my leg backwards like a horse haha and turns out it wasn't a bug.. it was a leaf from the plant that was in a nice pot that now due to my awesome coordinated backwards kick, is now upside down off the porch!! IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING! I totally kicked her big pot right off the porch and it landed up side down completely! I froze! Ha and luckily Sister Smith is awesome and jumped down and started picking it up because all I could do was look at the lady's annoyed face and overly apologize. Needless to say she was at least still nice to us after that but not interested in hearing anything else haha. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you so much and am praying for each of you! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers and emails. I hope it works okay for me to write in response. I made a cute binder so I can print all the emails out and keep them with me during the week and then I'll reply this afternoon when we have writing time. Also, mail is awesome and if you do send any letters or packages just put my full name. People have had their mail tampered with so they said maybe we shouldn't put Sister or Elder on the mail anymore. 
My address is 
110 Oak Park Dr. Ste. B
Irmo, South Carolina

I love y'all so much!!!!

Sister Hendrix 

Monday, April 21, 2014

1 Month Down

Hi everyone!

I hope y'all had a good Easter!! Thank you so much for you emails and prayers! I LOVED every one of your emails so so much. I love them every week but today they were extra special to me :) I'm glad everyone had fun at the fair and sounds like everyone had a great Easter.

This passed week I feel like was a pivotal point thus far in my mission. Saturday was my official 1 month mark since I entered the MTC. It's crazy because it seems like I have been away for so much longer than that and that I have known some of the people here all my life. Every day brings something new and I learn and understand things greater. My testimony is growing and evolving all the time and I am so grateful for Heavenly Father who truly has shown me my weaknesses and is helping me to turn them into strengths.

So many things have happened in the passed week but I mostly just want to tell you about the last couple days!
Thursday we had what's called a Zone Specialized Training and the whole zone meets together and we have a meeting pretty much all day with the President and do different trainings and lessons. I love the tranings so much but they can sort of overwhelm you too! Ha but I learned a lot of good lessons. The most important being that I have to give my best every single day and it's often more than I think I have in myself. But if we are always striving to do just a little more then our best will always be enough.
That night after we left the training Sister Smith and I had a miracle! We decided to go check on a guy who we had spoken with once but didn't end up coming to church like he had promised the week before. He's a young guy in his 20s and just really quiet but listens and I can tell does have a sincere desire to learn more. Since he lives with his 5 other brothers and his mom isn't ever home we can't go inside his house to teach him. We wanted to try and apply all the different things we had learned at the meeting so instead of just coming back when his mom was home we acted on faith and called the ward mission leader to see if he would come and pick Mike up and take him to the church with us for a lesson. And he did! So the ward mission leader came and picked him up, then we went to the church (this was my first time taking an investigator to the church). We gave him a tour of the chapel and building and then had an awesome lesson! We really tried to focus on teaching with the spirit and just trying to teach in simple terms. And as the lesson was starting to come to a close I took a big leap and just tried to be bold and act on the spirit like I'm supposed to (sometimes easier said than done!) and I invited him to follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper authority of God! and he said yes!! You can imagine the big that I had and almost started to sort of laugh because I was so excited haha but it was so awesome! And then when people agree to be baptized we are supposed to schedule with them to be baptized 3 weeks from that date and before we even asked him about the date he said, "well my birthday is on May 11th" and that was exactly 3 weeks away! So he is now on date to be baptized on May 10th and confirmed a member of the church and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost on his birthday May 11th! I probably don't even do the experience justice trying to type it but it was so awesome and then he came to church on Sunday and even stayed with us for all 3 hours and said he really enjoyed it!

I know that Heavenly Father is preparing the hearts of those who are ready and that He is guiding us to find them. Another really awesome thing that happened that I will never forget was yesterday. Easter was so amazing! I feel as if I have never appreciated it enough and now it's like my favorite holiday. Well besides Christmas, but they're both celebrated Jesus Christ so it's fine. hahah but really it was a beautiful day. It was raining and stormy all day Friday and Saturday and then yesterday was absolutely beautiful and sunny! After church we may been oblivious and pulled into a gas station that was just robbed and there were cops surrounding the place and some how we seriously didn't even notice.. haha and we got out of our car and started walking and luckily one of the cops was a member and informed us... (thank goodness for the protection the Lords gives his missionaries!) After that little experience we went to dinner at a family's home and they were so sweet! They recently moved here from Springville and were so nice. It sort of felt like having a piece of home ha because the people here are really amazing but they just aren't the same as people from the West so it was nice to spend time with people who know where we come from haha.

Okay but the best part of the day was after dinner. We had an address of someone in the book that we were looking for so in attempt to try to save some miles on the car we parked at the beginning of the street and just started walking A little ways down the street we realized that the street was actually just a giant circle and the address we were looking for was really back closer to the car. I sort of jokingly said to Sister Smith though, "well who know's we were probably supposed to walk this way so we would end up some where at the right time as someone else". So we keep walking and get just about passed the half way point of the circle and see someone out in their yard for the first time. There was a middle aged man loading up his car and so we start to head up his drive way to speak with him and he pleasantly came up and introduced himself. After talking with him for just a moment I felt such a strong impression that we weren't meant to run into him at this time. His name was Chad and we came to find out this was his parents home that he was born and raised in and his dad had just recently passed away. He was in town just for the weekend with his only brother to visit his mother. He said that before we came walking up the street he had been packing up his car to leave and head back to Georgia and was tearing up because he was worried about leaving his mom. He said since his dad died he has been praying a lot but he doesn't feel like he's gotten any answers or peace about it anything. Sister Smith and I were able to teach him briefly about the Plan of Salvation and I promised him that his father was in Heaven right now learning the exact same things he is as we teach him and that he will see his dad again one day. I bore my testimony to him of the power or prayer and that is does work. It was the neatest experience. His eyes teared up and he said that he knew we were angels sent to him from God to bring him those answers and peace he is looking for.
I know that there are no coincidences. Heavenly Father does hear and answer each and everyone of our prayers. Sometimes they take time and sometimes we don't get the answers when or how we want to, but they do come! As long as we live by faith and have intentions to act on what he tells us he will answer us :)

I am SO grateful for that experience and so excited for him to meet with the missionaries in Georgia when he gets back home. We are going over to visit with his mom later this week too.

Sorry this is so long and I hope it all makes sense! Since I typed so long on this one I wont have time to reply individually to everyone this week but I have been printing out everyone's emails every week and I made a cute binder to keep them in :) I will write back this afternoon!

Thank you so much for all of your love and support. Hearing from you and your testimonies and whats going on at home means more than you know and helps me so much! I think about each of you every day and am so thankful for such amazing family and friends. I hope y'all have a good week!!


Sister Hendrix

Saturday, April 19, 2014


In Sarah's last letter she asked everyone to keep up with the church's social media links for the week leading up to Easter. It is so neat that the church is reaching out through social media and sharing what Easter is truly about. If you have not watched the video of Christ that the church put out, you can watch it here. 


Hey everyone!!

I hope y'all had a good week and enjoyed the fair!! (I hate to admit it but I'm starting to say y'all more and more) No one here says "you guys" it's just y'all. ha so you start to feel like you have to say it in order to speak their language! 
It's been a good week. Just sort of slow and steady. A lot of missionary work that you don't expect is having to be patient! Knowing the gospel is true, it's hard to see how some people don't immediately want to get baptized! haha but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. I don't expect or want anyone to take my word for it so we invite everyone to study and pray about the Book of Mormon and get their answer from Heavenly Father. If you have a sincere desire to learn and real intent to act on the answer He gives you then he will answer you. But it does often take time. 
Last week we had a Sister's Conference with all the sister missionaries here in South Carolina. It was so nice and gave me the boost I needed! Many of the talks were centered on having trust in Heavenly Father and his timing so that's what I am working on. In Ether 12:6 it says that it's AFTER the trial of our faith that God will show Himself to us. (side note: I saw Jef Holm! He was was here visiting and stopped by the church during the conference. It was the strangest thing actually seeing him haha) But anyways, the day after the conference was the best day! I wish every day could be like that and I'm working hard to try and make it be. Every morning we have what we call "standing quotes" and there are a few different things that we stand and quote. One of them is, "I love tough things, I'm the first to do tough things, I do tough things first, I love being a missionary!" So through out the day I often have to repeat this to myself and it really does help. Friday morning while saying our quotes I just told myself I was really going to put myself out there today and love tough things! I know that the only way to learn and grow is to put yourself in those hard, uncomfortable and 'tough' situations. After making this personal goal and committing to the Lord that I was going to put all my trust in Him, I saw little miracles happen all day! We more than doubled our goal of contacts to make and scheduled more return appointments than any other day before! It was so neat to just see all the little tender mercies of Heavenly Father. During the sister's conference President Holm was making a reference to football and trials. He said that sometimes we fall, and it's okay to fall. As long as you are falling forward because eventually you will make it to the end zone and score a touch down. Kinda cheesy ha but I really liked this and it is so true. We need to have patience with ourselves and know that sometimes it's okay to fall as long as you get back up and keep working towards that end goal. I know that with the guidance of the Holy Ghost and through the Atonement we can and will make it to our end goals. We just have to fall forward. 
I love and miss you all more than you can imagine and I am so grateful for your support. I wouldn't be on a mission with out your love and support so I hope you know what a big part each of you are in all the lives of the people I am able to teach and share the gospel with you. 
If you haven't already heard about it the First Presidency has come up with what they're called the "Easter Initiative." It's a way for everyone to be involved in hastening the work through social media. This week they will be posting different memes and videos every day to be shared through your facebook and other social media sites and they made a video called Because of Him. If you haven't already seen it then please go watch it and share it with everyone you know! The video will be on the YouTube homepage on Easter Sunday and they're estimating it will be seen by 109 million people! The site is
I love you all and hope you have a great week and Happy Easter!!!


Sister Hendrix4-