Monday, March 24, 2014

First Email 3-21-14


Okay I don't have much time but I just wanted to say hi and I miss you all so much! It's only been 3 days and I literally feel like I have been here for a month. At least. Everything has been going really good but it is also so hard! They say if you are feeling better by Sunday then you will be fine.. two days until Sunday so I guess we'll see! Ha I know I will be okay and I am getting better each day it's just a lot to adjust to. When I walked away from the car they directed me into a hallway where I feel like I walked into a maze of instructions that I haven't completely gotten out of yet. I walked into this hall and a sister was at the end of the hallway waiting for me and I just started crying... then continued to cry as I got my name tag, books, and pretty much all the way to my room. By the time I got to my class I was doing better though. 
It's true that the spirit really is strong here and everyone has been so nice. I have two companions, Sister Parker and Sister Johnson. Sister Parker is actually from vegas and knows the Fritz family! Sister Johnson is from Ogden and they are both 19. They are so sweet and we are getting along really good! I am so grateful for them and it's nice to have someone who is feeling the same way you are. We work really good together and it's nice to have an extra person. 
I am learning so so so much about the gospel and really just how simple it is. It's a beautiful plan and I know that God loves me and everyone of us. We're learning about the power of our calling as missionaries and what our purpose is. Which is really amazing but also intimidating! Yesterday afternoon and through this morning I have just sort of been struggling. I feel so inadequate of such an honorable calling. I know the advesary is just trying to feel me with doubt. Last night we met our Branch Presidency and they are awesome! Our President is President Laney and he used to be the Salt Lake Mission President. He has been trained by Elder Uchtdorf and President Packer! He is honestly one of the smartest and most scripture knowledgable people I've ever met. He gave me some scriptures to read that have helped me. My mind is blank right now so I'll send them to you next week. But another thing that helped me is they talk so soo much about how your success as a missionary is determined by your obedience. they drill it into you! So I've been trying really hard to be obedient but it hasn't really helped my feeling that I'm not quite good enough for this. But then last night as our second counselors wife was talking to us, Sister Heward, she was mentioning our obedience again and the importance of it and all the sudden I remembered my patriarchal blessing. In there it says I have been blessed with the gift of an obedient spirit. Remembering that gave me peace and comfort, just like wow okay maybe I can do this. I've been trying to cling to that and remember that the lord does not called the qualified, he qualifies the called. I know that if I will be obedient then He will bless me and help me to be the best missionary I can be. After all its not about me it's about the people we are teaching and if you are worthy and work hard to have the spirit with you and then He will just use you as an instrument and teach through you. 
I was also assigned to be the District Sister Training Leader. Sunday I will get to go to the district and zone meetings to learn more about it but I'm excited and hope the responsibility will also help me. 

I love you all so much and miss you more than you can imagine. I think part of whats hard is that I can't just call you to help lift me up and remind me that I can do this. It's kinda hard never having a chance to just be alone and process it all but I know it's important that we are so busy and always with our  companions. I love them and couldn't have asked for better sisters to be with though. I know the gospel is true and I can't wait to get to South Carolina. 
I hope everyone is doing well and knows i love them and am praying for them! 
Happy birthday to Leighton tomorrow! 
My P day is on friday so I'll be able to email again in a week. Ill try to write some letters before then. Please write haha my companions already have 5 emails..... but thats okay.  I LOVE YOU! have a good week!


Sister Hendrix 

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