Saturday, April 19, 2014


Hi everyone!!

I just love reading all your emails so much! They were just what I needed today. It lifts my spirits to hear about what you are all doing and makes me so happy to hear things are going well and you can see the Lord's hand in your life. I'm so sorry that I didn't end up getting to really respond to any one last week. I was planning to write on the flight but then just slept when I could and when I got here found out we are only aloud to write letters on P-days too soooo this is my first day to finally get caught up! :) I really love and appreciate your emails and letters so much though! Thank you! :) and thanks for the pictures! I'm going to print some today to put in my room.

Okay, so my first week in SC is going good! I can't believe I have officially been here a week. Last night we went to visit two different investigators who both said "well we need to break in the new girl so she can say the pray" I thought my days of getting called out to pray were over since John isn't here but I was wrong! haha :) So I was called to the Anderson area. Its a pretty big town towards the top of the state, I think, honestly it's hard to tell where you are haha but I really like it. Our area is really big and spread out but there aren't really any main roads or freeways that go through the town so its like taking back roads every where you drive and you're always surrounded by trees! We honestly wouldn't be able to get any where with out a gps haha but its a great town and has everything! including a chipotle.... haha. My trainer/companion is Sister Smith! She is so amazing! We have soo much in common and I know the Lord put us together for a reason. She also went to SUU, loves working out, and her middle name is Mae! Haha only one letter difference. But really Heavenly Father has answered so many prayers and I see and feel His tender mercies every day.

We stayed at he mission home until Wednesday and President and Sister Holm are so sweet! I'm glad they posted a picture for you. They are so understanding and even let us take a nap when we got in last Monday. Listening to their testimonies and experiences is so inspiring. Wednesday morning we got our companions and then headed to our areas. Anderson is about two hours away from where the mission home is. A member drove us and we literaly got the the apartment, dropped my bags, said a prayer and headed out! Our apartment isn't bad at except for they were serious when they said bring your own bedding! Luckily I did bring sheets and it hasn't been cold.. I've been sleeping with just them and my towels rolled up in my pillow case as a pillow! haha today we can go to the store though so I'm going to buy some bedding and a pillow. Either the Lord is blessing me or I'm just dead tired at the end of the day because I've slept good every night and never even have a sore neck when I wake up! haha I think it's a combination of both.

The people here are so neat and each day I'm growing to love them more and more. The first few days felt like the MTC again and by yesterday it was like I was starting to get the hang out it. Each day gets better and I know this week will really be good! There is only one ward for the intire city, which is crazy! But the ward is awesome and I have been able to meet a lot of them already. They are SO supportive of the missionaries and doing missionary work. Many of them are converts so they're great to bring to lessons. I never really understood what people meant when they said that I would be in the "bible belt" but I do now! And honestly its such a good thing! The people here LOVE church and they LOVE Jesus Christ! So unlike a lot of missions our purpose is to just help them come CLOSER to Christ. The only said part is that people say "Oh I'm already a Christian.." and then slam the door on your face haha but it doesn't happen too often. I'm still getting to know the investigators they were working with before I got here and we have found a couple more. They very first door we went to when we got here Wednesday was a nice lady named Jessica and she let us come in right then and teach the first lesson and even agreed to come watch conference with us but unfortunately her daughter got sick and she had to cancel last minute :( Conference was so amazing by the way and I hope you all enjoyed listen to our Prophet and Apostles! It's the neatest thing telling people we have a living prophet on the earth today! We had one of our investigators go with us to a members home on Saturday afternoon and Satruday morning we watched at the old bishop's house. Sunday we watched both sessions at the church.

I haven't had too many crazy experiences except a boy walked out with a bebee gun one night because he didn't know who we were haha. But yesterday was by far my best and most humbling day! Conference was so neat but through out the day I was just struggling to feel like I have personally been able to make a connection with any one yet. I've been praying for experiences to change my heart and strenghthen my conversion to the Lord and his work. Last night I truly felt like my prayers were answered and I could feel the spirit working through me and because of experiences from my past I could better connect with the people met. I know that everything happens for a reason and I have been prepared. The Lord wants me to be myself and because of who I am I'll be able to be a better instrument in His hands. I know that is the same for each of you. Heavenly Father knows each of us more personally and individually than we can ever imagine and he loves us! And because he loves and knows all of us, we can help one another. There are no coincidences, through the guidance of the Holy Ghost he will direct us to be where we want to be and to answer each others prayers.

Last night we walked into the home of a sweet less active sister. I found myself sitting a dark room, with about 10 cats and a smell that seriously pierced my nose. I was silently praying for understanding and guidance from the spirit. As our conversation went on a moment presented itself where I was able to bear my testimony of the power of the atonement to this sweet lady. I felt like the spirit just like zoned in and I could share with her from personal experience that the atonement can and will heal and change your life. It was such a neat moment and the 3 of us were in tears. After leaving her house I knew that moment was an  answer to my prayer.

 After we went to check on a recently baptized member. He lives in a small trailer and currently has some friends living with him who recently lost their home. The converts name is Daryl and I instantly just loved him haha he was jewish and even though he got baptized still wears a yamaca, has a strong Bronx accident but he can pronounce his r's haha its great and hes so sweet. Meeting them was such a great and humbling experience though. This family who is living with him has two kids, a cousin that's with them, the mom and her boyfriend who must have bad diabetes I think because he was missing a leg and they're all sleeping in one room. But to be able to present them with the Plan of Happiness was such a privilege. Having a mother cry to you because she cannot provide for her family is not something you typically imagine doing when you prepare for your mission. Despite feeling so sad and heart broken for this family it was so neat to realize that I did have something to offer them to help. The Lord's plan of happiness. Coming unto Christ and accepting his gospel really is the only way for us to have joy and happiness in this life and that's why it was created. I feel so much love for this family and can really imagine their lives changing. I feel like missionaries are blessed to have a greater understanding of charity and it's so powerful. Sister Smith and I left the family with two Book of Mormons and taught them about the restoration. They were really receptive so please keep them in your prayers!

Thank you for your love and support. I think about each of you every day and love you all so much! I wish I could better describe my appreciation for you and for our knowledge of the gospel. I have come to learn so so much by following the doctrines of Christ and simply praying and studying each day. I know that The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-day Saints is Christ's true church restored on the earth again and through it is the only way to have eternal joy and happiness.


Sister Hendrix

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