Monday, May 12, 2014

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Hi! I hope y'all had a great Mother's Day!! 

It was so good to talk to my family and see all y'alls faces! I think I cried more than any of you and I bawled for a couple minutes after we hung up but it was okay ha Brother Isaksen brought me some tissues and was super sweet. It was so great and comforting to be in a members home. Sister Smith and I had the opportunity to come stay the night with some members actually. Brother and Sister Isaksen, Brother Isaksen is the Stake Patriarch and Sister Isaksen is in the Stake Primary Presidency. They are the sweetest! They have a beautiful home right on a lake and it has been so fun to be here with them. One of their daughters and her family have been here as well. Spending the day with a family and in a loving home is just what we needed! I am so grateful for my family and I truly love and miss y'all more than you know. I just think about when I get home and how I'll never want to leave your sight again! But seeing and talking with you gave me so much comfort and strength and made me want to serve and be the best missionary I can be. I know that this time will go by so fast and it's such a privilege to dedicate every single day to the Lord for 18 months. I will never have this opportunity again and I want to use it the best I can. I feel like a lot of questions I had in my life prior to my mission are being answered now and I never would have gotten the answers had I not followed what the Lord wanted me to do and served a mission. 

Laura informed me that my blog is a little boring because it's just my letters haha and I am sorry! I am going to try to start putting some more exciting things on here. Today we went to this awesome little historic town called Abbiville! South Carolina was the first state to secede from the Union and it all started in Abbiville and then they also signed the papers to end the war there too! After we came back to the house and baked some chocolate cookies in true southern style! Aka lots of chocolate and butter and sugar haha and you will be proud to know that I didn't use a recipe! It was painful. But I'm learning how to not always have to have a plan and be in control... haha but I do have the recipe for those of you who are interested :) We're going to come back another day and make rolls so stay tuned for that! 

I'm about out of time so I just want y'all to know that I love you and miss you! Thank you for your continued support and prayers! Heavenly Father also loves you and I promise is aware of you individually and He's waiting to bless and answer your needs. We just have to ask :) Soooo basically don't forget to read and pray every day! (does that rhyme? :) ) 

Ps. I'd love to hear more about how you saw the Lord's hand in your life this

Stay Sweet!

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