Monday, May 5, 2014

Strawberry Picking

Hello everyone! 

I hope y'all are having a great Monday! I apologize that I'm emailing a couple hours later than I normally do. This morning we decided to go do something besides just stay at the apartment on P-day and do the usually things. So we went and picked strawberries!! There's a place here called the Hardy Berry Farm! Which is funny because it sounds like it should actually be in Logandale... haha but its a super cute little place. You can go and just pick all the strawberries you want and they're a little cheaper than the ones in the store too! I picked like 2.5 lbs and I'm going to freeze them and put them in smoothies :) I make a smoothie for breakfast almost every day ha. 

Other wise it has been a good week. I've seen the Lord's hand working in my life and the lives of our investigators. Unfortunately a few road blocks have come up and Mike and Daniel will no longer be being baptized this coming Saturday :( :( :( but they are still pressing forward! Which is so awesome. It's so true that when you are trying to do what's right the adversary will do whatever he can to stop you! But in Ether ch. 12 it says that the Lord reveals Himself to us only after the trial of our faith. I know that is so true! 

This evening we are going to dinner at the house of one of my favorite families in the ward who are working hard to be active again. And we are bringing one of our investigators, whose just 17 years old, with us! She's really great and I am excited for her to be fellow shipped with this family. 

This email is just short and sweet but I hope in some way it will help to strengthen your testimony in our Savior Jesus Christ. I know that it's only through him and the enabling power of the Atonement that we can progress through this life. I am so grateful for it and the miracles I see every day because of it. A little miracle we had the other day was we saw a nice lady our working in her flower garden, we went up and talked with her for a few minutes and we didn't get the feeling that she was very receptive but she was still so sweet! We offered to come back and help her with her yard anytime and just before we were leaving, even though we were standing in the middle of her yard, I had the feeling to ask if we could say a prayer with her. She got so excited and said yes but please come inside and pray with my daughter! We went inside and her daughter was in a recliner and sleeping. The lady explained that she had cancer and it was very evident :( I was so grateful for the impression I recieved from the spirit and the opportunity I had to say a prayer for her and her mother and the rest of their family. 
God works in small and simple ways through other people. I know that if we pay attention and they can have those little miracles all the time :)

What are some ways you have seen the Lord's hand in your life? I would love it if you paid attention to that this coming week and then email me about it next week!! :) 

I love y'all so much and hope you have a great week! And Happy Mother's Day coming up!!


Sister Hendrix 

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